Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009


City : Singaraja
Width Area : 1.365,88 Km2
Subdistricts :
1. Gerokgak
2. Seririt
3. Busung Biu
4. Banjar
5. Buleleng
6. Sukasada
7. Sawan
8. Kubutambahan
9. Tejakula

Mayor : Drs, Putu Bagiada, MM
Vice Mayor : Drs, Gede Wardana, Msi
Office : Jl. Pahlawan No.1 - Buleleng
Web Address :

Regency of Buleleng consists of 9 Subdistrict covering 146 village/administrative village and 163 traditional village with width about 1,365.88 km² ( 24.25% from wide of Bali Island). Having tropical climate influenced by monsoon and rains of during the month of October until April. Circumstance of Topography of Regency of Buleleng most representing hilly area unfolding in South arch share, while in regional upstate of regency of long Buleleng from West to East coastally is which is long enough (144 Km) and about sea of Java in northside, westside Regency of Jembrana, eastside Kabupaten of Karangasem, South arch of Regency Bangli,Tabanan and Badung.
Height of Regency of Buleleng between 100-1,000 m is above sea level(dpl), with inclination of land ground of bigger than 40% covering 23.89% Regency Region.

Social Aspect of Economics Sum up resident of Regency of Buleleng pursuant to result of registration of year 1999 as much 577.644 people with comparison of sex ratio 96.86% Density 423 people / km², and growth rate of resident 1.10%.

Pursuant to higher education ended, a lot of 39.92 have % education to SD, and 0.63 have % commensurate education to of college. From his land ground use faced in 1999, showing 8.5% used as by a rice field farm, plantation 21.4 %.State Forest 35.6% dry farming 31.5% and the others use for the width of 3.0%.

Home Industries
To develop commodity / area product, marginally Regency of Buleleng potency have its development to still at sector field of is effort, agriculture, small areas of industries and the tourism. Development of agricultural sector in wide meaning is which given high priority by have reached results which enough see the with excitement. Some product which still own potency to be developed to represent very valuable asset for area earnings improvement. From other side agricultural sector, industrial sector of crafting and also represent sector which is given high priority by its development. This sector still very potential to be developed to remember supported by adequate SDM and SDA.


• Bamboo crafting / diligence industries
• Silver Crafting / diligence industries
• Crafting / diligence of woodcarving and wood statue industries
• Crafting / diligence of banana frond industries
• Crafting / diligence of painting of puppets of glass and wayan kulit industries
• Crafting / diligence of bird cage industries
• Crafting / diligence of saab mote industries
• Iron industries
• Crafting / diligence of rice industries
• Crafting / diligence of aluminum industries
• Crafting / diligence brick industries
• Crafting / diligence tile industries
• Crafting / diligence weave industries
• Crafting / diligence batik – throw industries.

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