Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Germans love the Traditional Indonesian Spa

When your body aches by all activity, then you can choose the spa weekend. What Spa package you usually choose? Surely a home spa provides a variety of spa services. Start from traditional Indonesian spa that uses natural ingredients proven effective to relieve stress, so that there are different types of spas around the world.

Spa treatment using traditional Indonesian materials are not inferior to a spa treatment that uses modern way. For example, turmeric body scrub of materials that are believed to brighten the skin and maintain skin elasticity. You could also try a variety of other materials, such as Cambodia's spa that does not lose interest in spa roses and others.

In March 2009, Indonesia won the title of The Best Destination Spa in the World thanks to a traditional Balinese spa. The award is issued by the International Tourism Bourse in Berlin, Germany. Why Indonesia can win it? Because the traditional spa Indonesia maintain heritage by utilizing natural ingredients and has exceptional properties.

What about this year?

You can smile proudly, because as reported by Yahoo News, a spa with natural materials typical of Indonesia has been favored by the Germans. In Freizeit exhibition held in Nurnberg, Germany, Cambodia Flowers spa products and Turmeric managed to steal the hearts of foreigners. They were amazed by the variety of natural spa ingredients Indonesia is very rich in benefits and comprised of a variety of natural materials.

because of the diversity of spa ingredients, many fair visitors asked about the benefits of turmeric, frangipani flowers, lemon grass, and flowers and other spices. For the Germans, they were familiar with the spa using the mud and materials of local interest there. So that all ingredients derived from Indonesia is a new thing and of course their interests.

If you have this, you will certainly be more loving one stress reducer media originating from Indonesia. In addition to experience with various materials to choose from, you've come and to leave a culture of Indonesia. Let's wear scrubs and traditional Indonesian spa! If the German people love our product, you are the original owners of heritage should be more like the traditional spa Indonesia. If not you, who else?

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